Sunday, November 27, 2011


Life is like a song, and some are just afraid to sing along 
Cause if they do, it may not be so good
So they are doing the wrong, hiding from the song

Dima 8A


They are roared, used and whispered 
Without telling the meaning, the truth 
They cause bangs and yawns 
No matter, they deceive brains as brawns 
Often cause a muzzle and a flash 
We all use them, knowingly, ignoring the fact 
That we don’t endure the lash and crash 
I tell you now, we won’t survive 
The swish, the whack 
When fallacies make us crack 
Mario 8A

Friday, November 18, 2011

A True Friend

 Friend is like a cuddly toy,
no matter if it's a girl or boy

A Friend is someone you can talk to,
even if she doesn't want to

A Friend is like a sibling,
always being there for listening

A Friend always tells you the truth,
even if it makes you want to jump from a roof

A Friend makes you smile,
even if it's only for a while 

A Friend loves you in every way,
even if you argued yesterday

 Sofia  8B

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Alliteration Poems

Streaks of sunshine shimmer during sunset,
The serene, solemn and spectacular sunset,
Over oceans of olive orchards goes the sunset,
Golden geese glow in the sunset,
Spreading serene sights during sunset,
As the sea sways along the sunset,
Dolphins dive and disappear during sunset,
The illusions of innocent ice inventions imitated the sunset,
Red roses rise from the sunset,
As water waits while whimpering wails at sunset,
Fishes find the forbidden flower near sunset,
Before busting out biped birds behind bars after sunset,
As streaks of sunshine shimmered at sunset,
The world withers and wanders alone without a sunset.

Icy, invincible, immigrating, icicled iceberg,
Move majestically my iceberg,
Flow fluidly and flawlessly throughout your freedom iceberg,
While I watch and wish you well, iceberg,
Rumbling, rolling, rushing iceberg,
Cold, calm and crafted iceberg,
Sail through sundown soundlessly iceberg,
Icy, invincible, immigrating, icicled iceberg.

Rithika 8B

Monday, November 14, 2011

365 days,4 seasons,one year.

A year is filled with surprises
It's a new day when the sun rises
A year is long
Some years you're weak,some years you're strong
A year is a lot of hours
In the spring there is a lot of flowers
A year is sun,rain,storms and snow
In the summer your sun tan will glow
A year is winter and fall too
It brings new experiences to you

Evin 8A

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Simile Poems

A Friend

A friend is like a treasure,
golden, rare,
eager to be found

A friend is like a mother
loves you
and is willing to help 

A friend is like a golden coin,
hard to find,
easy to keep

A friend is like the sun,
shining warm,
giving you light

A friend is like a soldier, 
fighting for you
and protecting you from harm

A friend is like music,
sometimes irritating,
sometimes wonderful

A friend is like a bus,
you jump on
and travel to a final destination

A friend is like the world,
filled with colour
and there is only one.

Johan Gustafsson 8B
Welcome to the IES Hässelby Strand English blog. 
This is a new initiative to showcase student work. This term grade 8 are studying poetry. Work samples from both classes will be continuously displayed on this blog.